All the small things


It’s a big world out there.  This is advice that’s been hashed and rehashed over the generations.  What’s not always emphasised though is that the big world is made up of small things.  All the small details that may seem mundane and normal, contribute to the vastness of the world we all live in.

What’s more difficult?  The thought of doing something, or the thought not doing something at all?

To look after an injured bird in a park, or to leave it behind.  While it may seem easier to leave something behind and not put any effort into it, it requires more effort later on to change our perception and to appreciate more.  It takes effort to notice and acknowledge what is in the environment.  All the small things that make up the vast surroundings.

To protect another may seem easy, but what does it involve? Is it the notion of being a physical body shield for them, or is it to allow them to grow from their own experiences, or is it both?  The time, mental capacity and trust required is vast.  Small deeds and words that may seem insignificant at the time, can and will have a significant impact on the person hearing them.  Especially, if the words and deeds are done with love and sincerity.

As with anything of value, it all takes time.  All the small things take time to grow and combine into the vast world out there.

All the small things, take time. Such is the beauty of the rhythm of life.

What was the small deed you made that had a significant impact on another person and it moved them greatly? Leave a comment below or on our Facebook page.

Wayne  is a photographer with a distinct style – combining wedding photojournalism and contemporary portrait photography.