Look great at your wedding!

It’s time for getting healthy for your wedding!  The wedding planning is going to take up the majority of the time on top of your work.  Don’t leave it too late, otherwise it will take even more effort.  There’s no point to being exhausted on your wedding day!


Many people decide to join a gym when it’s time to get married.  The problem with this is before this, many problem haven’t gone to the gym before, or did go years ago but stopped.

Taking up an exercise routine three months before your wedding is not going to be helpful.  The first two weeks will hurt the most.  Six months sounds like a lot.  Break it down into two slots of 12 week cycles for your workout and keep track.  After one month, a routine is established and you’ll settle into the rhythm.

Get some cardio work on the rowing machines and skip the treadmills.  It takes time to build up the legs for running and the worst thing you can do is to injure your calf or achilles heel.  This will mean the end of your routine before you even got to start.

For those willing to do something a bit more extreme, consider going for a boot camp course or cross training.  Just don’t get hurt!

If the gym isn’t for you, then seek out alternatives such as yoga or pilates.  It’s a great way to tone the body and get more flexibility.  You’ll need flexibility to tear up the dance floor too at your reception!

Swimming is another option.  If you’ve never been before, go for lessons.  Swimming three times a week for an hour will help you burn off those calories and build up muscles. It’s a low impact training regime and a great way to get in shape.

Get more sleep

Every health article mentions this.  Get more sleep.  I didn’t say get enough sleep because it’s easy to forget about this when you plan a wedding.  Make sure you get more sleep.  Especially if you plan on exercising more!


It’s always going to be tough changing your diet when getting healthy.  Same with exercise, change it six months before the date.  It will take at least a month to get used to it.

Atkins, paleo, high protein, vegetarian or vegan. Which is best?  Consult your doctor or a nutritionist to get the best results.  It’s not recommended to jump straight into eating more steaks or more greens without getting some professional advice.

Swap cakes or biscuits with almonds, walnuts or blueberries for snacks.  Only a handful will keep your body going until your next meal.


Drink water and plenty of it.  They say you should drink at least 8 glasses but that won’t be enough especially if you take up more exercise.  Skip the fad shakes promising to slim you down.  Skip the juices as well particularly the ones high in sugar.

The best part of all these ideas is that you’ll be able to continue after your wedding.  You’ll feel great and have loads of energy for your family!

Do you have any other ideas to share with our readers?  Feel free to leave a comment below.
